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Web Design

Do you want a modernly designed, fast loading website, with the best structure there is? 

Designing web pages is our favorite activity!

We choose to make websites on WordPress so we can adjust them easily, depending on your demands.

Let’s meet up for a hot cup of coffee and let’s discuss your plans and wishes.

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW!
Wow is the one to aim for.” – Milton Glaser

Our process

First stage

We have a thorough discussion with you. We delve into your wishes. We research and understand the needs of your target group. We conceive the idea and then put our plan into practice to achieve maximum efficiency

Second stage

We visualize the content and functions of the website. We coordinate and process. We make sure the content of your website conveys a specific message. We thoroughly examine its functionality so that everything runs smoothly.

Third stage

Since we have defined the content and the functionality of the website, we create a special plan that suits your personal needs. We form a special structure for the content and we perfect the website. We use cutting edge technology, always respecting the Internet data, so we can rank high in search engines.

Fourth stage

The process of design begins. We incorporate your business profile into the website. We take advantage of the flexibility available in the design and the visual effects to make sure it is successful.

Fifth stage

The website is created! The process of creation and design is complete. Now we run a quality test to check if website functionality and its compatibility with all modern search engines are fully successful. As long as all the tests are successful, your website goes online!

Maintaining your website

Your website is complete but we are still there for you! Do applications or content of your website need updating? Do you need new content? Do you have to reinforce your presence in social media? If your company includes services and products targeting an international group, we can translate your website too. It’s our pleasure to help with new plans and any worries that may arise!
